You’ve got an app to manage everything from your music playlist to your car insurance. So why don’t you have an app to manage your most valuable asset? Your Health.
Wellness Dashboard's included 12 metrics are widely considered to be the primary drivers of Chronic Disease.
Vital signs are a group of the four to six most important medical signs that indicate
"Screenings" are tests that seek to identify signs of disease prior to your body showing symptoms.
Vaccines prevent up to 3M deaths worldwide annually, making it one of the most important things
Additional EHR's contains other crucial health metrics, values and indicators.
Becoming the best version of yourself starts with what you take in - our Food Diary
36% of the U.S. Adult Population is either basic or below basic health literacy.
Research placed the average additional cost of health-literacy-challenged patients at $1,000 per hospital admission. An aggegate increased cost of $12.6 Billion U.S. Dollars annually to U.S. hospitals.
Simply put, we must improve our collective health literacy by normalizing health literacy.
Data shows in the U.S. chronic disease spending costs a whopping $2.5 Trillion U.S. Dollars annually!
The number of people affected by multiple chronic diseases is projected to triple by the year 2030.
Our Wellness Dashboard empowers consumers by targeting the primary triggers of Chronic Disease.
The New England Journal of Medicine reported that 82% of EHR users report improved clinical decision-making.
Within seconds of their initial login to TheBigPicture, users begin to create a secure and personal EHR that travels with them for the rest of their lives, whether they change jobs, states, countries, insurance providers, doctors, healthcare networks or even device platforms.